Encuentro en la Frontera 2019

Sun, Aug 18, 2019

Encuentro en la Frontera 2019 - Rio Grande Valley TX

This year’s Encuentro En La Frontera is the first event of its kind to take place across the borderlands of the Rio Grande Valley. This project seeks to facilitate safe spaces to incubate creativity, activism and culture-shifting by developing solidarity resource networks with over 30 artists, organizations and cultural centers throughout the Rio Grande Valley Frontera.

Through educational conferences, panels, fundraising relief, direct humanitarian action planning, visual art exhibitions, workshops, and network building, Encuentro En La Frontera is an ongoing movement to unite and uplift narratives for creation, liberation, and protest at the grassroots!

By expanding accessibility and inclusivity to the intellectual and material resources necessary to empower our communities and reclaim La Frontera, this project seeks to inspire and mobilize community strengthening at the intersection of art, education, activism, healing, and humanitarian action building.


Angry Tias and Abuelas of the RGV will be helping us facilitate donation drop offs and volunteer sign-ups ALL WEEKEND!

DAY ONE MCALLEN: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../encuentro-en-la-frontera...

| 6PM-12AM Grain To Glass |

6PM-8PM Art & Activism at the Border Panel Platica with Special Guest Speakers Las Imaginistast Rio Grande Valley Equal Voice Network & Jonathan Salinas! Q & A session Afterward.
Followed by an Open Mic Poetry Reading lead by Poets Against Walls where we will spotlight local poets.
9PM-12AM Chulita Vinyl Club will be closing the evening with a DJ
Set !
•Vendors and Tabling Include Siete Gatxs Paper Caper Co. STXifestest NLC South Texas Frontera RGV Muslim Students' Association
-Podcasting by Rice, Beans & Revolution

DAY TWO BROWNSVILLE: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../encuentro-en-la-frontera...

| 4PM-12AM Carlotta K. Petrina Cultural Center |

4PM-12AM Conversations with Artists Exhibit on display all day!
Film Screenings will be shown throughout the evening
6PM-8PM Interactive Workshops Begin!
-Reclaiming our Frontera through Art and Activism Part 2 with Rio Grande Valley Equal Voice Network and Las Imaginistas
-Skateboard Building with artist Carmen Castillo
-DJ’ing in La Frontera 101 with Love & Magick and Chulita Vinyl Club
-“Loteria Jotería Poems” with Cesar de León from Poets Against Wallslls
-Queer Collage Making with Artivist Josue Ramirez
-“The Radical Act of Daydreaming” with poet Rubén Garza & MORE!

9PM We're closing the night off with live music! Performances from Italia, @SUPER, Honolulu Rose, La Ratera, & Vertebro!

DAY THREE ALTON: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../encuentro-en-la-frontera...

| 7PM-11PM Pulga Los Portales |

7PM-9PM We’re closing the weekend with an evening of empowering workshops for everyone to continue fighting for our community with awareness and solidarity!
-Lucha Libre 101 with live demonstrations from our very own Luchadores!
-“United Resistance: Letters to My Allies” writing workshop with Carolina Monsivais from Poets Against Walls
-Stay informed with our "Know Your Rights" information session facilitated by lawyer Ricky Garza from Texas Civil Rights Project
9PM-11PM Lastly, Chulita Vinyl Club will be doing us the great honor of sealing this fabulous weekend with a DJ set!


“Encuentro en la Frontera” 2019 es un proyecto de mobilizacion cultural que se llevara a cabo por primera vez este año. Este Encuentro es una convocatoria abierta que busca crear espacios seguros para incubar creatividad, transformacion cultural y activismo por medio de conferencias, exhibiciones de arte, talleres educativos, recaudacion de fondos, coordinacion de ayuda humanitaria y construccion de redes de solidaridad y apoyo entre mas de 30 artistas, organizaciones y centros culturales.

El objetivo de este proyecto es abrir nuevos espacios que fomenten colaboracion y solidaridad entre artistas, musicos, cineastas, activistas, periodistas, y organizaciones locales y regionales, que mediante el arte, la creatividad y el activismo buscan fortalecer nuestra comunidad.

El Encuentro es un paso mas hacia un movimiento que busca unir y elevar nuestras voces en modo de protesta y permitira ampliar la accesibilidad a los recursos intelectuales y materiales necesarios para empoderar a nuestras comunidades y recuperar nuestros espacios en la Frontera. Este proyecto busca movilizar, inspirar y fortalecer nuestra comunidad desde el encuentro del arte, la educación, y la disidencia política para realizar la restauracion y reedificacion artistica, cultural y socio-politica de nuestra Frontera.


DIA UNO MCALLEN: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../encuentro-en-la-frontera...

DIA DOS BROWNSVILLE: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../encuentro-en-la-frontera...

DIA TRES ALTON: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../encuentro-en-la-frontera...

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