¡Ya Basta!: Futures Without Walls / Enough! Futuros Sin Muros Marathon Poetry Reading

Fri, Oct 23, 2020

Poets Against Walls - Online event

"¡Ya Basta!: Futures Without Walls / Enough! Futuros Sin Muros" Marathon Poetry Reading

Featured poets join together in a marathon-style reading on Friday, Oct. 23rd from 6pm-9pm Central Time on Facebook Live and Zoom Webinar format. We'll hear poems about the border walls that continue to be built around us and poems on a number of related social justice issues, beginning with Juan Mancias, Tribal Chairman of the Carrizo/Comecrudo Tribe of Texas. We'll also hear work that celebrates our intersectional lives and realities as we imagine futures without walls. #NoBorderWall #IndigenousSovereignty #BlackLivesMatter #SayTheirNames #NiUnaMas #DecolonizeBorders #EndRacism #LoveIsLove #TransRightsAreHumanRights

The following Invited poets will present for five minutes each:

6-7pm Central Time:
Juan Mancias
Jesse Manciaz
Margo Tamez
Raina J. León
Alvaro Saar Rios
Norma E. Cantú
Rodney Gomez
Sherwin Bitsui
Mónica Alvarez Suárez
Pablo Miguel Martínez

7pm-8pm Central Time:
José Antonio Rodríguez
Reggie Scott Young
Priscilla Celina Suarez
Jasminne Mendez
Edward Vidaurre
Gris Muñoz
Sehba Sarwar
Erika Garza-Johnson
Lupe Mendez
Michelle Otero

8pm-9pm Central Time:
Nancy Lorenza Green
Roberto Carlos Garcia
Loretta Diane Walker
Connie Voisine
Darrel Alejandro Holnes
Andrea Vocab Sanderson
Anel I. Flores
Michael Warr

This is a Facebook Live event, but we also welcome attendees to join us via Zoom Webinar--please visit the Eventbrite Link to register for the Webinar: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../ya-basta-futures-without...

Hosted by Poets Against Walls in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Event poet-organizers include TX Poet Laureate Emmy Pérez, Celina Gomez, César L. De León, and Carolina Monsiváis.

This event is made possible by Poets Against Walls and Emmy Pérez's Poets Laureate Fellowship with the Academy of American Poets, with funds from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

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